The sitting position

1. Neutral position

If we bring a model of the spine into this position, we also see that the spine can produce its own balance to a large extent. Research has shown that 70% of the energy needed to overcome gravity (ie to prevent the spine from collapsing) can be supplied by the spinal column itself (passive stability). 30% of the energy must be supplied by external influences, such as own muscle strength (active stability)

How long have you been?

2. Get up regularly!

Get up every 30 minutes! Interrupt long-term sitting. "Running a marathon is much more intensive than running 4 x 10 km!"

3. Sit for a maximum of 6 consecutive hours!

The working conditions standard for sitting is a maximum of 5 to 6 hours in a row on a working day. The norm for sitting with intensive computer work is a maximum of 4 consecutive hours on a working day! Taking into account the guidelines of the Working Conditions Decree that screen work must be varied after 2 hours. Do you stick to this?

The Dutch are European champions with an average of 6.8 hours a day.

4. Working standing as an option?

An uncomfortable feeling, especially in the lower back, can occur both during prolonged sitting and during prolonged standing. This annoying feeling increases the longer you sit or stand. When sitting and standing are alternated every two hours, this uncomfortable feeling in the lower back appears to occur much later and less violently. So our advice try to alternate sitting and standing work as much as possible. Alternating with dynamic activities such as walking is of course much better!

Alternating is key

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