With chronic pain complaints you build up your activities based on time and not based on your pain complaints!
If the 'pain signal' is no longer reliable, the load-bearing capacity will have to be built up over time. Otherwise this will not work. This applies to clients with the chronicity of complaints. Due to the duration of the symptoms, the nervous system has become more sensitive (sensitization) and the pain signal is no longer reliable. The pain signal already occurs before any damage occurs.
Step by step, so for example every five days a small step forward is made. So this must be a physically responsible step and be carried out despite any pain sensation. One time the structure will be experienced as light and not painful and the other time as very heavy and very painful. However, you will have to take that step every 5 days regardless of the response. In this way you also make the body more susceptible to pain stimuli and the sensitivity will decrease. The English term for this is: "Hardening".
'My doctor gave me an article describing how it is possible that you will get a lower pain threshold. In this article a comparison was made with a burglar alarm. A properly functioning alarm system is triggered if there is a burglar. In the body that is actually true: if you feel pain, something is wrong. But if a burglar alarm goes off all the time, without breaking in, something is wrong with the alarm system. That is set incorrectly, it has become oversensitive. I found that a striking comparison. The treatment consists of trying to adjust your alarm system again.