Back Pain

"No brain, no pain!"

Where does the pain come from?

Pain patients are often at a loss and have consulted various doctors and specialists and heard that the cause of their pain cannot be found. The message is: "We can't find anything. You just have to learn to live with it". The pain patient does not benefit from this. He goes home with the pain and remains uncertain and anxious about the cause. The result is that the patient keeps looking for answers to the question: "What is the matter with me?" He does not know what he should actually learn to live with, he does not understand his pain. And that while we currently know much more about how the pain processing system works than about 20 years ago!

"Back pain is not comparable to tearing your anklets"

Acute pain

You can compare the tearing of your ankle straps with the beating of a hammer on your finger. This is acute pain. With these complaints there is a direct link between the damage that has occurred and the pain.

"Back pain is not acute pain in 99% of cases, but chronic pain."

Chronic back pain

Back pain usually starts with an acute pain complaint, but turns into a chronic pain complaint. When you tear your ankle bands, people will rest for a few weeks and then gradually build up their activities and capacity. This based on their pain complaints. After a week or 12 they can generally put their ankle back on 'normal' and the problem is solved. With lower back complaints this is generally different. People have pain with low back pain. Because of fear, insecurity and insufficient insight, people are often unable to do the same on the back of their back pain as with the rupture of their ankle ligament.

"Pain is in your head."

With back pain, people generally do not have sufficient insight into what exactly is not taxing on the back and what is very taxing on the back. The result is that people often unconsciously carry out the incriminating things for far too long and do not do too little for the lower back. Often people with low back pain sit and stand far too much, which is the most stressful for the lower back and they forget the less stressful activities for the low back, such as changing posture, climbing stairs, lifting light things and lying down. The result is that the back is overloaded, the pain complaints increase and the condition / resilience of the lower back decreases. This vicious circle ultimately results in chronic low back pain.

What exactly is Chronic Back Pain?

Acute pain

Acute pain is an alarm. Chronic pain is an alarm that is set too lightly and will go off with every fly that flies through the sensor. This principle is called Sensitization sense = feeling Sensitization = increase sensitivity of the nervous system Sensitization is the biggest problem with chronic low back pain complaints.

What is the consequence of this?

With acute pain complaints you build up your activities based on your pain complaints. With chronic pain complaints you build up your activities based on time and not based on your pain complaints! With chronic pain complaints, the pain signal is no longer reliable. The pain occurs before damage occurs. It can be compared, for example, when a school teacher who has been overstrained has become much more sensitive to, for example, a class of students making a noise. "Chronic pain is not" psychic. Neither is chronic pain 'physical' either. The truth is somewhere in the middle '.
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