"Relapse is part of it"

"You should not see relapse as a kind of failure, but as an inevitable learning moment!"

Particularly when things go 'well' during the rehabilitation process, they often see a 'relapse'. Clients are then generally very disappointed. "Do I have to start again from the beginning" "I am back to the end" "I told you this is not working!" All expressions of disappointment. Although we have always warned clients beforehand from The Rugcentrum. Applies slightly differently at that moment. This relapse can be attributed to the fact that clients have regained confidence in their backs and sometimes 'run off' a little too fast. Sometimes because they do not realize that the activity in question is perhaps heavier than they had previously predicted, sometimes because they no longer have any pain (while the loadability is not yet 100%) and sometimes because they fall back into 'old' behavior of only 'continue to the hole'. The two advantages of experiencing a relapse is that you know where your limits are and that you are made aware of your own behavior.

"Of course you try to prevent a relapse, by finding a balance between what your back can handle and what you do with your back."

Tax versus Taxability


It is important for everyone that there is a balance between taxation and taxability. In other words, between what you can do and what you do.

Go in the red

'You can compare the balance between tax and taxability with your salary. Suppose you receive € 1,300 (your taxability) per month, but you spend € 1,700 (your tax). Then this extra money has to come from somewhere. You may be able to borrow this from friends, but if this is necessary more often, you will eventually have to borrow from the bank. The bank asks you for interest, so that you have less than € 1,300 to spend the following month. When this goes on for a long time, you will have less and less to spend. This is also the case with overloading. You use your reserves and you become increasingly overburdened. The result is that you can handle less and less. Long-term overload ultimately leads to an increasingly lower capacity.


In balance?

Whether you are in a situation of overloading, underloading or of strongly varying peaks and troughs, everything that is out of balance means that your capacity (your capacity, your resilience) will deteriorate. The aim is to be in balance. There is no golden rule with which you can get balanced. It is important to feel what the various activities do to you during the day. Are they strenuous or relaxing? What do you need after an activity?
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